Discover Your Mission

Many physicians over the years have told us that the highlight of medical practice for them is participating in mission trips outside the U.S. On these missions there are no coding disputes, no cancelled orders and no insurance clerks needed to approve your care. But most importantly, is the sincere gratitude you will receive from every patient and the personal satisfaction of a job well done and well appreciated – or as we say, simply, doing good work and getting credit for it.

We have also received feedback from many mission trip participants that these experiences help to combat burn-out and rejuvenate a love for the practice of medicine. If you are a seasoned participant of Mission trips, then our objective is to make this a special and memorable venture for you. And, if this is your first brigade experience, we promise to do our best to ensure that it is a very rewarding program on many levels. Our only request is that you share your experiences with us and others to help make every MissionCMEcuador better – better for patients and better for  the participants, than the one before.